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Fall 2021 Mobility Data: Now Available in Replica

Published on
October 12, 2022

Today, Replica is thrilled to release its nationwide travel, demographic, and land use data for the Fall 2021 season.

With this update, the Replica Places activity-based travel model now has comprehensive, disaggregated, calibrated data from less than 12 months ago. As always, this new data is available to all Replica customers as part of their existing subscription.

Replica customers can now get a full understanding of how the “new normal” is taking shape, and use it to be more competitive for federal funding, update long-range transportation plans, meet Justice40 requirements with fresh information, and make targeted investments in supporting central business districts. This new season also enables an exploration of how activity has changed from our Fall 2019 pre-pandemic baseline season as well as our Spring 2021 season.

This release comes with several notable upgrades that put higher-quality data in the hands of our customers. Our Fall 2021 season includes:

  • Improved auto volumes: In an effort to better calibrate our auto volume estimates, we improved our roadway network sampling to cover a broader range of functional road classifications as well as a more spatially distributed set of roadway networks. This sampling change produced roadway volumes that are now more representative of actual travel patterns. We also refined our network assignment pipeline to better reflect real-world routing choices.
  • Land use enhancements: We enhanced our land use data by incorporating additional datasets such as zoning information, where available, and improved data for rural areas.
  • Refined employment and commuting estimates: To capture recent changes in employment and commuting patterns, land use data was ingested to more accurately assign work locations for the Fall 2021 season. Commuting distributions were also updated based on mobile location data in addition to Census CTPP estimates.
  • Hawaii: Replica customers will soon have access to a Fall 2021 season of the entire state of Hawaii, including 1.27 million trip takers. This adds to Replica’s coverage of the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia.

Replica Places seasons deliver granular multi-modal transportation data, covering private auto, transit, taxi/TNC, freight, bike, and pedestrian trips. Our data covers trips and trip takers.

That means activity can be filtered by trip attributes like origin, destination, network link, transit routes, mode, distance, duration, start time, for example, and by trip-taker attributes like household income, race/ethnicity, age, employment status, and vehicle ownership status. Work-from-home data even makes it easy to find insights about people who work from home full-time, on occasion, or not at all.

Our models are calibrated to ensure quality, and we produce quality reports for each season and region so Replica customers have transparency about the data they use. Replica calibrates not just with auto sensors, but with transit data from over 300 agencies and 11,000 routes. In the coming weeks we’ll be exploring this data and continuing to surface insights on our blog.

And our data is fully downloadable, so customers can perform custom analyses with their own data and integrate Replica data directly into their own tools and workflows. Our recently redesigned web app brings new functionality to exploring Replica data, visualizing it, and previewing it before download to ensure you’re getting the information you want.

To learn more about Replica and what our Fall 2021 model can do for you, please get in touch and we’ll schedule a demo.

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