AADT, TMC & Speeds

Replica customers can now purchase access to new traffic datasets for specific geographies. The initial set of available traffic datasets available are: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data and Hourly Auto Volume Profiles, Annual Speeds Data, Turning Movement Counts (TMCs)
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Traffic Datasets

In Action

  • Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data and Hourly Auto Volume Profiles, with detailed breakdowns for freight on Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 and 2 roads.
  • Annual Speeds Data, featuring link-level Quarter Hourly Speed profiles and Average Free-Flow Speeds at the 66th percentile.
  • Turning Movement Counts (TMCs)

New Traffic Datasets

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Data

Replica’s Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data is updated annually and includes complete US coverage. Replica’s AADT data:

  • Covers Functional Road Class (FRC) 1 through 6
  • Includes greater than 98% coverage on FRC 1 through 4, and 90% coverage on FRC 5 and 6
  • Breaks out single-truck and combination truck volumes on FRC 1 and 2 roadways
  • Includes additional data points for hourly volumes by day of the week, broken out by the hour and averaged annually
  • Is produced from data sources that total hundreds of millions of trips each week (an estimated 10% total sample size), and includes both personal vehicles and commercial freight vehicles.
  • Is calibrated against network-link volume ground truth

The data is available for download through the Replica application in CSV, Geojson, and Shapefile formats.

Annual Speeds Data

Annual Speeds Data

Replica provides two speed-related datasets on an annual cadence: link-level free-flow speeds and link-level quarter-hourly speed profiles. These datasets have coverage across the US.

Free-flow speeds includes link-level annual average free flow information. Free-flow speed is defined as the 66th percentile speed during off-peak hours, meaning that 66% of vehicles are traveling at or below this speed on a given road segment during non-by times. 

Quarter-hourly speed profiles includes information about the average observed speed per network link, provided in quarter-hourly buckets for a typical week in the year. 

These datasets are available for download through the Replica application in CSV, Geojson, and Shapefile formats.

Turning Movement Count (TMC) Data

Turning Movement Count (TMC) Data

Replica’s Turning Movement Count (TMC) data is updated annually and includes complete US coverage. The dataset:

  • Includes data for most signalized intersections nationwide
  • Includes data for each day of the week
  • Is bucketed into one-hour intervals
  • Is available for download in CSV format

Data you can trust

AADT Validation

HPMS Validation

When producing AADT, we exclude a random 10% of HPMS ground truth data as a "test set" This is data the model has not "seen before" and allows us to quantify model performance. Below are tables and charts summarizing the model’s performance on the 2021 nationwide “test set”.

The model performs strongly. Across roads of FRC 1-4, expected error for total AADT in 2021 is 12.2%. Expected error for single-unit and combination truck volumes are 19.9%

We also report the signed median percent error: this statistic tells us if the model is consistently over- or under-predicting. For the total counts, this number is close to 0 for all roads, indicating that the model outputs an unbiased estimate.

Speeds Validation

New York City Benchmark

Replica obtained 2021 traffic camera speed data for a subset of links in NYC from the City’s open data portal. This data spanned approximately 30 locations in the NYC metro area. Traffic camera speed data is analogous to our method, as camera record the average speed between two points on a roadway via the elapsed time between them.

Trans-Manhattan Expressway (I-95) Comparison

This image is a comparison between between NYC’s camera data (“SPEED”) and Replica’s quarter-hourly speed data (“replica_speed”) on the Trans-Manhattan Expressway (I-95) for a typical Tuesday.

The blue line is NYC’s camera data and the red line is Replica’s speeds data.

TMC Validation

Roseville, California — Fall 2022

We compare ground truth data for Roseville, CA for Fall 2022 to Replica outputs at 60 intersections. The ground truth data was provided to Replica by the City of Roseville, and is publicly available.

Roseville Ground Truth vs. Replica, average midweek daily counts per intersection for Fall 2022

The R-squared value is 0.98.

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