Replica Use Case Library
RideKC wanted to determine how many workers are relying on transit to get to/from work along a heavily trafficked commercial and industrial area where transit routes and sidewalks were incomplete/non-existent. The goal of the study was to determine potential employment turn-over due to lack of job access, estimate annual labor needs/losses because of it, and partner with major employers to fund transit improvement and expansion.
El Paso utilizes the combination of Replica’s mobility, spending, and demographic data to understand changing behavior patterns post-COVID, and to support downtown economic development strategies.
One of many related analyses is to study the difference in weekday and weekend spending across retail, grocery stores and restaurants, to influence congestion management, transit scheduling, and economic recovery.
The Washington State Transportation Electrification Strategy aims to reduce transportation emissions by 57% by 2030, with the majority of the reduction slated to come from electric vehicles. To support this plan, the WA Department of Commerce has incorporated Replica data, along with other data sources, into its EV action roadmap. Replica's trip data has been utilized in predicting EV trends and estimating charging infrastructure needs. The strategy also includes a case study on Washington's EV Charging Program, detailing fund allocation and utilization assessments based on Replica trip data.
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