Case Library

Replica Use Case Library

Replica works with state and local government agencies, AEC firms, and enterprise clients across the United States who use our data model to answer pressing questions. See below for our use case library:
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Corridor Study and Transit Connectivity

The Capital District Transportation Council conducted a study of a specific corridor in the Town of Brunswick. The corridor is auto-dominated and there are complaints about slow travel speeds. CDTC is interested in understanding the share of auto trips along the corridor that could be candidates for mode shift to transit (based on O/D pairs and the existing transit network, including park-and-rides).

Custom Zones, Link-level volumes, Multimodal, Traveler demographics
Creating a Regional Profile

Together, Replica and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), used Replica data to create a profile of the service area that included pandemic recovery trends and trip taker characteristics. As new Replica data is released, the Regional Profile can be updated to match the most recent data.

Custom ODs, Pre-Post Pandemic Changes
Developing Regional Mobility Plan

DuPage County's regional mobility plan received a significant update with the support of Replica data. The goal was to enhance transportation infrastructure and services by understanding resident and worker travel patterns and needs. Replica's data played a critical role, offering insights into trip origins, destinations, distances, transportation modes, and more.

Replica data helped identify the county's top destinations and create a map highlighting key locations by census tract. This information guided strategies to improve access to frequently visited places. The data also analyzed 24-hour trip patterns, common purposes (work, school, shopping), and distances traveled. Mode of transportation details informed efforts to promote sustainable options like public transit, walking, and biking, reducing congestion and improving air quality. Replica data delved into demographic characteristics, aiding strategies catering to all residents and workers, including those with disabilities, low-income individuals, and seniors.

See the report here.

Custom ODs, Multimodal, Traveler demographics
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